In the sequel to the found footage classic, "The House on Mansfield Street," the unsettling mysteries persist in the quiet neighborhood. James Waring goes missing after moving in with his friend Anthony on Mansfield Street, where they are disturbed by the sounds of violent fights from the supposedly vacant house next door. To unravel the enigma, they befriend Laura, a seemingly helpful neighbor with a claim of expertise in banishing supernatural disturbances through witchcraft. However, as they seek her assistance, they inadvertently unlock an ancient evil that threatens their very existence.展開
柯林·坎寧安 查拉·博奇奧 Alicia Oberle Farmer James Morris David E. McMahon Lily Aranda Jessica Staples Landon Kasten Mary Ellen Wolfe William McAllister Sean D. Hunter Jagger Woolstenhulme
柯林·坎寧安 查拉·博奇奧 Alicia Oberle Farmer James Morris David E. McMahon Lily Aranda Jessica Staples Landon Kasten Mary Ellen Wolfe William McAllister Sean D. Hunter Jagger Woolstenhulme
麥迪遜·沃爾夫 布瑞克·巴辛格 艾麗·拉特 西恩·奧斯汀 Skai Jackson 加文·沃倫 諾亞·羅麥克斯 艾蒂森·里克 朱莉安娜·亞歷山大 Darrius Thomas Dylan Summerall 斯泰西·安·蘿絲 Patrick Kirton John F. Daniel Brooke Hyland 瑞恩·紐曼 布萊特頓·沙比諾 Helena Kompothecras Andy Sibley Blake Drivas