The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf. Ah Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their past catches up with them as Ah Hu's teenage son, played by Shawn Ho, gets into trouble for selling drugs.展開(kāi)
杰斯·諾曼 麗莎·錢(qián)德勒 艾拉·安德森 大衛(wèi)·卡耶 瑞爾·唐斯 弗蘭奇·格蘭德 邁克爾·D·科恩 西恩·瑞恩·??怂?蕾切爾·德蘭斯 Glee Dango 安德烈·特里科圖 Matt Kennedy Jason William Day Liam Ma Davin Tong Breeze Dango Dimitri Tsoy Michael Briganti Angelique Maingot Jacob Wade